First of all, that the tyranny of some is possible only through cowardice and negligence on the part of others.
Sencond, what makes one contemptible is lack of dignity and object fear of him who holds one in contempt.
Third,ignorance is serivtude, because as a man thinks, so he is; a man who does not think for himself and allowed himself to be guided by the thought of other is like the beast led by a halter.
Fourth, he who loves his independence must first aid his fellowman, because he who refues protection to others will find himself without it; the isolated rib of the buri palm is eadily broken, but not so the broom made or the ribs of the palm bound together.
Fifth, if the Filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no more chidren, let her merely give birth to them. She must cease to be the mistress of the home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray husband, child, native land and all.
Sixth, all men are born equal, naked, withour bonds. God did not create man to be a slave; nor did he endow him with intelligence to have him hoodwinked, or adorn him with a reason to have him deceived by others. it is not fatuous to refuse to worship one's equal, to cultivate one's intellect, and to make use of reason in all things. Fatuous is he who makes a god of him, who makes brutes of others, and who strives to submit to his whims all that is reasonable and just.
Seventh, consider well that kind of religion that they are teaching you. See whether it is the will of the God or according to the teaching of Christ that the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated. Consider that they are preaching to you, the object of the sermon, what is behind the masses, novenas, rosaries, scapularies, images, miracle, candles, belts, etc.,etc.; which they daily keep before your minds; ears and eyes' jostling, shouting, and coaxing, investigate whence they came and whether they go and then compare that religion with the pure religion of Christ and see whether the pretended observance of the life of Christ does not remind of the fat mik cow or the fattened pig, which is encouraged to grow fat not through love of the animal, but not grossly mercenary motives.
Let us, therefore, reflect and consider our situation and see how we stand.
- JOSE RIZAL, To the young Women of Malolos, February 22, 1889
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